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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Feeling the Eternity

Distant dreams,

Duping her hands; as they are the olive foliage,
Decorating her slender; as it is the peacock plumage,
Here, aloof waiting in the assemblage,
Murmuring they are, as you are in the voyage.

Deceptive dreams,

Disturbing me, as they are the harbinger,
Ingenue, looking at me as a stranger.

Specious dreams,

Lagging behind me, to separate our gossamer,
Expunging our memories of the petrichor,
Don't come, even in the very ugly leisure,
Don't make the times, further more langour.

Demure dreams,

Demurring her, to go for the secret embroglio,
Dispatching her, but only to the sacred seraglio.

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