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Sunday, July 19, 2009

AM "THE RAJAAAAA...." .........?????

I am alone,
I am only alone..
Apart the whole the world,
I am alone..
I have familiares,
I have neighbourers,
I have friends,
I have ..
I have more...
Still...i am alone,
I am only alone...???

Lots around me,
Lots observing me,
Lots asking me,
Lots talking to me,
Lots liking me,
Lots caring me,
But, i am alone,
I am only alone...???

U r not alone,
Yes, ur not alone..
So many thinking about u,
So many liking u,
So many observing u,
So many
So many doing more...
Along meee,
How can u alone..
Even one second ur not,
Even one moment ur not,
Even one movement ur not,
Even one heart beat ur not,
Even, i am not in the world ur not..
Yes...ur not alone.......!!!

I am alone,
Since,17 years..
I am thinking about u
Since,17 years..
I am dreaming about u
Since,17 years..
I am talking about u
Since,17 years..
I am laughing about u
Since,17 years..
I am crying about u
Since,17 years..
I am......
I am doing more about u..!!!

All those u dinn view,
So that i am alone..
Only u view is what u can see,
But i donn do for ur's "see"....!!!

One thing ,
Yes, now...
I am alone along making u alone,
I am leaving u
From this "BLOODY LIFE",
I am not to leave,
But "TIME" donn like me..!!!

Words can't adequate,
To notice my "aloneness" towards u..!!

Now counting ...

u can understand meeee,
u can come to me,
u can like me,
u can stay with me..
even at "my death procession"..!!!

I observes u,
I likes u,
I ......'s....u.....!!!

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